Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, Board of Directors Chairman, spearheaded an emergency meeting between the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and the Akakus Oil Operations Company, which was held this morning, Wednesday 3th of June 2020 at the "NOC’s" headquarters in Tripoli, In the presence of the members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Abulgasem Shengher and Mr Elamari M. Elamari.
A consortium made up of SONATRACH and its two partners PTTEP and PVEP, on the one hand, and the Italian company specialized in Mayor Engineering Tecnimont, on the other hand, have signed an Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) contract for the completion of a second Oil Treatment train (CPF) at the Bir Sebaa field, 40 km from Hassi Messaoud, said a company press release.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, met today, Wednesday, 10th of June 2020, at the headquarters of the National Oil Corporation "NOC" in Tripoli, with the Chairman of the Management Committee of the Akakos Oil Operations Company, Mr. Nouri Al-Seid, in the presence of the members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Abulgasem Shengher and Mr Elamari M. Elamari.
The CEO of the national hydrocarbons company SONATRACH, Toufik Hakkar, made a working and inspection visit to the Skikda oil complex on Tuesday during which he inquired about the progress of the projects of infrastructure development and inaugurated the relaunch of LNG production, which had been shut down since last December.
National Oil Corporation (NOC) is deeply concerned about the continuing militarization of its oil facilities and the heavy presence of foreign mercenaries at various oil fields and ports in the east and south of the country.