There are many pros to offering a business website in more than one language, and though it may be a complex project, it is well worth the effort.
1. SEO results may increase in quantity and quality if you offer an English translation for your site, as keywords may be searched in more than one language.
2. When a website has multiple languages, it shows the degree of effort and professionalism that went into the building process. It also can help retain visitors to your site if you offer content in their language, rather than forcing them to take their business elsewhere solely due to lack of comprehension.
3. Offering your content in multiple languages will help to increase the awareness of your business across the globe, leading to increased potential.
4. Customers may just find that your multilingual site is more attractive than sites only offering one language, due to the fact that it may yield higher customer retention.
Despite the time that adding an additional language to your website may take, it can is an investment that is worth the time.